Getting Managed Cloud: How, When, and Why?

5 min readApr 21, 2021

We have already become familiar with the term cloud computing, although doubts are raised about the advantages of migrating to the managed Cloud.

The Cloud has become a viable standard for the 21st century. All businesses and industries are migrating to the Cloud to take advantage of the many benefits it offers: from cost reduction to scalability to fast and convenient availability of resources. If they have their technical team, then it’s fine, but it should cost you more.

Otherwise, you have to choose a managed cloud hosting to reduce your management costs because you don’t need any technical staff to manage your server. It is the main reason why the managed cloud hosting is getting more popular.

Definition: What is the Cloud?

I will explain it simply so that a common internet user can understand it: the Cloud is the name of services offered through the network. If the need for facilities, the user can have access to multiple tools, both general and more technical and specific.

For this reason, these cloud services are known as “As-A-Service.”

Going into technical detail, the Cloud is a network of servers connected to offer an ultra-connected platform, of very high availability and fast, by having many nodes -servers- spread throughout the world.

As all the servers are connected, it creates a huge global infrastructure with high availability since all the information is spread over the network.

For this reason, if one server goes down, everything will continue to work since the rest of the network is still active.

Different Cloud services according to the requirements:

  • Software as a Service (Saas): It is about using software running on foreign hardware, on servers very far from us. You don’t have to pay for the full software or worry about updates.
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Or virtualized hardware: virtual servers, network connections, bandwidth, IP addresses, and load balancers.
  • The user does not need to take care of maintenance since it is the service provider’s job to ensure that everything is in order with the greatest security.
  • Platform as a Service (Paas): Online platforms are an extension of cloud software.
  • These are all-in-one platforms, completely internet-based, like Microsoft Office Online. They create a completely cloud-based software ecosystem, 100% online.
  • Storage as a Service (STaaS): Storage as a service is the best-known product to those who are not in the know.

At Temok Managed Cloud Hosting provider: we offer a wide range of managed cloud hosting, cloud backups, domain name registration, proxies, SSL certificates, and dedicated servers.

How to migrate a company to the Cloud?

The first step to getting managed Cloud is to analyze your company. It would help if you thought about what you and your employees use.

It is important to be clear about the company’s needs and develop an efficient and realistic plan for the change from traditional services to cloud services.

In a cloud migration plan, the following are usually present:

  • Email: email is essential in all companies. Today, companies are looking for something more than the simple email of a lifetime; collaboration between multiple workers, share links quickly, etc., and of course, that it is always available.
  • Backups: backups in the Cloud have become very popular in recent years since network storage is usually cheaper than having physical disks. It is always available, and it is very fast.
  • Collaborative tools: we can use a collaborative platform for our employees in the Cloud, where they can communicate reliably, managing projects, sharing files, etc., with the consequent efficiency of the process.
  • Online document management: closely linked to email in the Cloud, online document management systems allow us to work with documents wherever we are and share them in a matter of seconds.
  • Online billing: Cloud billing systems ensure a safe work environment, with high availability and constant copies. Do you know someone who has lost all their accounting because their hard drive is broken? In the Cloud, that does not happen!
  • ERP and CRM management systems: by accessing them online, we can organize workgroups much better, work from any device without depending on the software installed on a computer.

When to get your managed Cloud?

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best moment is now”

This well-known Chinese proverb is also valid on the subject, but in reality, there is no exact moment when we should or should not go up to the Cloud. The Cloud is an alternative to conventional infrastructure and software; therefore, we must calculate the benefits of taking the step to online services and infrastructure.

But if you are still reluctant about the idea, it is best to try a new service. For example, you can use a cloud platform such as Microsoft Office Online or online storage available for a while for free.

Why will you get managed Cloud?

We have referred to the Cloud as a service and an internet platform where we can easily host all the software, platforms, services, and even a company’s infrastructure.

This entails many benefits for any company that affects, in one way or another, all business organs.

  • Cost reduction: With the cloud pay-per-use system, we only pay for what we use. Besides, we save on infrastructure and software administration since the provider does that.
  • Increase productivity: By simplifying everything, technical tasks are reduced, focusing on our business.
  • Increase technological development: The Cloud extends the functions of our company with a few clicks. We can deploy new services in seconds.
  • Simplicity: It is simply easy to use-no bugs or problems.
  • Ideal team tools: Every well-organized team wants a platform that connects the entire group with collaborative notes and documents and an internal messaging system.
  • Your infrastructure, services, and data are safe with trusted providers in extremely secure data processing centers.
  • Immediate access from anywhere: You only need two things: a device and an internet connection to access all the online solutions.
  • We can increase or decrease the number of servers, users, capacity, etc., at any time.

Risks? We depend on an internet connection, and the responsibility for security is shared with the provider, so we must be cautious with the provider we choose.

Luckily, at Temok managed Cloud, we solve these two disadvantages; On the one hand, we can devise a hybrid cloud system, so whether you have a connection or not, you can continue working. On the other hand, we are one of the top UAE-based providers offering their services in over 20 countries with extensive experience in the cloud computing market; we accompany you throughout the process!

Final Words

After looking at the advantages of the Cloud and the services that we can enjoy, why not try using an online service? Most people who are reluctant to online services change their minds when they first work with them, dare to get on the Cloud!

Originally published at on April 21, 2021.




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