List of Top Websites to Learn How to Code

11 min readMay 28, 2021

I think that learning How to Code in the future will be like today, speaking English. (Some master it professionally, those who are very good at it or have a medium level or people who have it as a pending task).

This article is especially for those who plan for new goals, perhaps simply because you want to consider more technical skills development options or take a new path in your career.

Another reason that I find very interesting is to enjoy work almost for a lifetime since there is a lot of job offer around almost any programming language that exists today.

Be careful; this does not mean that it is easy to find a good programmer position in a company since there are so many programmers that getting a well-paid job as a programmer is somewhat complicated if you do not know how to move in this field.

However, if you are good at it, you like it, and you also get paid for it … Why not give it a try?

The good news is that today many online platforms teach you the vast majority of existing programming languages, from a very basic level with no previous knowledge to a very advanced level.

For my part, I am going to mention several web platforms where you can learn programming completely free or at a very low cost.

From your part, I am going to need three things:

  • Certain knowledge of English: if you want to learn to program well, do it in English. You will find many more resources, and when it comes to working, you will be able to do it with foreign companies, and you will have many more opportunities.
  • Patience and Discipline: If it is already difficult to learn a language to “speak”, imagine learning a language to speak with machines …
  • Practice, practice and practice: I have learned WordPress at such a high level, based on many trial and error. This has led me to know how to solve different errors and situations almost automatically. The same thing you have to pursue with programming: practice until you know everything almost automatically!

And without any further introductions, we begin with that list of websites to learn how to program.

Table of Contents

1. W3schools

If I had to be left with only one option, this page would be the one I would use.

Here you will find everything. And very well explained, with interactive examples and step by step.

It is very easy to choose what you want to learn and to perform and understand each of the examples that it suggests.

It is also totally free.

The only bad thing that I see is that it does not have someone who explains it more “humanly”, and if you have any questions, there is nowhere to ask.

Still, for me, it is the best option.

Visit the page

2. has a powerful search for free and paid courses to learn almost any programming language.

The different courses that he proposes are external links. The great job that has done is to offer you directly what you are looking for and be sure that the quality is adequate.

You have to access the search for online resources that it has and go filtering what you need.

Visit the page

3. Codecademy

Codecademy is another of the jewels in the crown.

At an explanatory level, it has one of the best interfaces I’ve tried.

That is, in addition to a concise and understandable explanation, the interactivity it offers you to “put what you have learned into practice” is very good and flexible.

On this website, you will be able to find free and paid courses, and they even offer the option of “ ways to follow “: a selection of courses that make you “something”; for example,” the way of the web builder “.

Visit the page


The Coursera website is interesting because it is a service linked to more than 200 universities worldwide.

This means that the courses it offers are official and can sometimes even be linked to job offers.

More than 70 million students are learning on Coursera, and its range of courses is one of the most complete.

I recommend you use this website if you have already done several walking courses and consider entering fully into a large course, with many possibilities and certification behind it.

You will also find free courses, although it is true that the vast majority are paid. This website has the highest price of the entire list that I mention in this article.

Visit the page

5. was the website with which I began to learn HTML and CSS.

I have very good memories because it was quite easy for me to understand everything the first time.

For me, Lynda is synonymous with quality and professionalism when showing the content of the courses they offer.

In addition, Lynda has been on LinkedIn for some time, so seriousness and quality are assured.

You can pay every month or pay annually (it will be cheaper).

Honestly, I think it is a great investment to pay the 30 dollars per month that it costs since this gives you access to all their courses.

If you find yourself in a situation of unemployment, and you have (and want) to dedicate many hours to acquire new technical skills, that amount of money will seem cheap for everything it offers.

Check out! It is one of my favourite websites.

Visit the page

6. Udemy

What I like about Udemy is that there are good, quality courses at very affordable prices.

Plus, Udemy is constantly releasing new courses and6 lots of offers.

Of course, before acquiring a course, please take a good look at the comments and reviews of people who have already taken it to get an idea of ​​the current level.

However, the courses usually have one or two free classes, so you can see how the teacher explains.

Also, on Udemy, if you dare, you can create your courses and sell them!

Visit the page

7. Youtube

In the end, I have left one of the most obvious options, although not least for it.

YouTube is full of video tutorials on any subject (and there is no shortage of programming).

You can find hours and hours of content on YouTube, completely free, to learn any programming language.

Of course, look carefully at the comments, video views and likes it has, to know that at all times, you are learning with someone who knows what they are talking about.

Anyway, at this point, surely you can recognize perfectly, from minute one, when a tutorial will be good or not.

Visit YouTube page

8. Treehouse

Here, the students will learn from 1,000+ quality video tutorials created by highly professionals on coding and web design subjects, etc. The collection is continuously updated to ensure that it covers the current information on web technologies and programming to ensure that it is constantly best at or ahead of the contour. Learners will certainly exercise what they have found out by taking tests and coding challenges.

Upon completing various courses and skill examinations, learners will certainly gain badges that indicate their abilities to the companies that are checking out the site. It is one of the best features they have. But keep in mind, it is not free; you have to pay $25 per month for standard subscriptions. However, Numerous companies, businesses, and schools use Treehouse to help them establish important abilities and skills.

Visit the TeamTreeHouse page

9. Khan Academy

This site offers education and learning in practical exercises with a personalized dashboard and educational videos. Trainees can learn at their own pace to discover important coding topics. This learning material can be translated into 36 languages. It is the objective of organization to give a world-class, totally free education and learning to anyone from all over the world.

Students can browse all the resources and sort them by their type like videos, posts, programs as well as exercises. Many courses have been designed for novices who do not understand where to begin and experts who want to sharpen their abilities.

Visit the KhanAcademy page

10. Code School

This is an interactive learning hub for those people who are aiming or skilled developers. CodeSchool offers many courses, and all are organized right into different paths based on innovation and technology. Students can discover one of the right courses to find the one that is more suitable for them. They can pick HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, Elixir .NET, Python, iOS, SQL, Git, and others.

Students will have experienced professional teachers who take them with the learning resources with premium quality video lessons. Code will certainly be practised in the browser through training course challenges, and trainees will get prompt feedback. For motivation, students will be awarded different badges as each training course degree is completed, which leads up to the training course completion badge. The Progress report will track all of the student’s tasks, including gained points and badges, completed programs, and more.

CodeSchool has taught over 1 million people from concerning 237 countries. When signing up in CodeSchool, individuals will certainly have unrestricted access to 69 courses with 253 screencasts and may terminate at any time. Students can anticipate to pay month-to-month at $29 monthly or spend for a year at $228 one time, which is almost $19 each month.

Visit the CodeSchool page

11. EdX

This is a leading online skill development and learning platform which is nonprofit and open source. EdX was founded in 2012 by MIT as well as Harvard. It has 90+ partners around the globe, as well as include the world’s leading colleges and nonprofits.

Students will certainly be able to enrol on their courses to choose from about 60 schools. Those who enrolled in the courses lie around the globe and are concentrated on learning more about design, computer technology, writing, languages, advertising and marketing, biology, and many more. Open edX is the original platform utilized for the edX training courses and is offered free of charge.

Teachers and engineers can develop tools for learning and contribute brand-new features for the platform and develop innovative options that will benefit trainees across the globe.

Visit the EdX page

12. CodeWars

This website has more creative ways to learn how to code, and the entire program is based upon challenges (called “kata”). Learners can easily complete their innovative and advanced courses, including popular programming languages like C++, Java, Rust, SQL, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, Swift, TypeScript, Crystal, etc.

Students can easily sharpen their skills by practising themselves on KataKata. However, Kata is an amazing thing developed by the CodeWars community to help learners strengthen their skills.

Visit the CodeWars page

13. FreeCodeCamp

The major objective of Free CodeCamp is to help students learn how to code to help nonprofits. However, this organization has solved around 30 million coding challenges and contributed over $1.4 million to the development work. Moreover, about 4,000 people have landed developer jobs thanks to the training courses provided by Free coding Camp.

You will find courses including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and also a lot more. Students will certainly receive real-time aid from the community chatroom while having the ability to meet various other programmers in their city. While learning, people will set up and also develop their profiles of actual applications that genuine individuals will certainly use.

The courses are supplied through interactive and also focused tutorials and assignments. It is complimentary to get started with learning how to code.

Visit the CodeCamp page

14. GitHub

GitHub is a reference point along with 500+ free books and covers 80+ different programming languages on the Git repository holding solution. Those people who collaborate with Git are working hard to provide accurate and updated resources.

Visit the GitHub page


The goal of UdaCity is to deliver affordable, highly reliable, and engaging higher education to the whole world. They think that education and learning is a necessity for all humans and looks to encourage their learners to excel in their education and professions.

Education and learning is a lifelong experience that has transformed from easy paying attention to active doing. It aims to show the abilities required by market leaders today, supplies the qualifications that employers endorse, and give valuable education at simply a portion of the price that is asked at conventional institutions.

The nano degree programs are put together with leading firms like Facebook, Google, AT&T, and IBM. The reviewers, instructors, and mentors make sure that those in the program will certainly complete it and await the job they desire. Trainees can find out the basis of Javascript-free of cost, while many more extreme programs and nano degree programs come with a price.

Visit the Udacity page

16. TUTS+

This is a fantastic resource to find tons of totally free tutorials and paid alternatives for tutorials and existing programs. There are over 570 video clip courses that experts advise, and they consist of all topics, not simply those of computer systems. Tuts+ additionally publishes digital books. The thousands of complimentary tutorials will certainly show learners exactly how to establish software program from web applications to mobile devices and every little thing you can imagine in between. Users can explore these free tutorials to locate what they are seeking, including entire training courses and digital books.

Tuts+ recommends three distinctive tutorials for those that are new to code- website development will certainly teach them whatever that they require to find out about development language, framework, and multiple tools; WordPress will provide resources for people to come to be specialists in the WordPress plugin as well as Theme development, and Mobile application development will certainly instruct individuals exactly how to develop incredible applications for all platforms, consisting of Android and also iOS.

Visit the Tuts+ page


And here ends this list of the best places to learn to program, from the point of view of someone who does not have a technical background and has learned almost everything through tutorials and online courses.

I have used all the platforms to bring you to this list, and I assure you that it is a very good base to start expanding your programming skills and become the professional you have always dreamed of being or simply expanding your knowledge.

You can also complement the learning of these platforms with tools such as free HTML editors.

I hope you do many courses and always remember to have patience and perseverance when learning. The path is not easy (but not very difficult either!).

Originally published at on May 28, 2021.




In business since 2014, i am a cohesive team of developers, technicians, marketing specialists and design professionals.